Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Should You Refinance Your Mortgage if Interest Rates Drop?

Mortgage refinancing is when you take a mortgage of a certain interest rate and term length, and change it for a different interest rate and term. If you are looking to refinance your home loan it is usually done when rates have got dropped considerably therefore making it advantageous to make so. When I state considerably it usually intends a driblet of at least 1% from what you're paying now.

If you have got an adjustable rate mortgage and interest rates drop, then locking in to a fixed rate loan for a set term is probably a wise decision. This is especially true if rates are on the rise!

If you are looking to refinance because you need to pay down other debts, seek something else, like a debt consolidation loan. The lone clip you should refinance for this ground is if you are planning on staying in your home for a few years, and the current mortgage rates are lower than the rates you are paying on your debts as well as your current home loan rate.

If mortgage refinancing is something you would wish to see then be certain to inquire the lender about the amortisation schedule. If it was originally 25 old age and you have got paid on it for 10 old age then you don't desire to begin over again at 25 years. The amortisation should stay at 15 years. You will stop up paying out thousands less in the long run.

Refinancing when interest rates driblet could salvage you thousands of dollars, but it isn't the best option for everyone. Discourse your options with a professional and discover what is best for you!


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